Research Laboratories of the Doctoral School

The laboratories of the STEP Doctoral School

Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre)

Research in geodynamics, geophysics and chemistry of planet Earth. Some of the members of ISTerre are attached to the Savoie-Mont-Blanc University

Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE)

Research on the climate and the anthropization of our planet by combining glaciology, hydrology, oceanography, atmospheric and environmental sciences, inter and transdisciplinary sciences carried out with the SHS and/or socio-economic actors and actresses

Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels (LEGI) 

Research in geophysical fluid mechanics (MEIGE team)

Laboratoire Grenoble-Images-Parole-Signal-Automatique (GIPSA-lab)

Research on signal and image processing and wave physics for knowledge and monitoring of natural environments (Signal Image Physique team)

Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)

Study of the planets and small bodies of the solar system, space meteorology (Planetology and Spectrum team)

Laboratoire Politique publiques, ACtion, politique et TErritoires (PACTE)

Research on physical geography themes and social science of the environment approaches (Environments team)

INRAe Equipe Erosion Torrentielle, Neige et Avalanches -  Grenoble

Research and expertise for the knowledge and management of ecosystems, territories and natural risks in the mountains (Torrential Erosion, Snow and Avalanches Research Unit)

INRAe Equipe Hydrologie Hydraulique - Lyon

Research and support activities for the management of water resources and risks related to floods and droughts (Hydrology of watersheds, Hydraulics of rivers, Diffuse pollution teams of UR Riverly)

Published on  January 8, 2021
Updated on February 19, 2024